Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Foods to avoid…

We are generally buoyed by emotion to feed our pets human foods without realizing how much harm it can inflict on them. Some of these food items can even take their lives.

Below is a food items table along with their potential harmful effects:

Name of food Harmful effects on dog health
Grapes and Raisins Damage kidneys
Garlic, onion, chives Damage red blood cells
Sugarless chewing gum flavored with xylitol Results in lowering of blood sugar levels with an overproduction of insulin in the body
Raw yeast and bread dough Cause swelling in the abdomen, respiratory distress and compression of the veins. When yeast breaks down sugar in the dough there is a release of ethanol which is equivalent to the alcohol found in vodka  
Chocolate Methylxanthines present in chocolates can cause toxicity
Macademia nuts Impair neuro-muscular system
 resulting in movement difficulties 

However, human medicines which do not find a mention in the list have been found to cause maximum damage. So, as a responsible owner you should not only keep them away from your pet’s reach, but also refrain from administering them to your buddy without consulting a vet.