We come across stories about humans gobbling down weird stuff. But can you imagine a pooch doing similar things? Yes, however unbelievable that might sound, Polly, a blue wheeler who is partially blind and arthiritic swallowed 1,000 magnets weighing 1 kilogram forcing him to go under the knife. Although it’s true that she made his owner lose sleep over this antic, Polly had devoured a computer mouse, gardening gloves, a large rubber band, several rolls of fax paper and handfuls of gravel in the past 3 years, testified his owner Cathy James. She also admitted having spent 7,000 Australian dollars for her treatment so far.
Cathy has recounted her recent story to Herald Sun. She was away at her farm feeding horses when Polly devoured magnets strewn in her office room. She actually runs a home-based printing business and one of her responsibilities involves sticking square magnets on the back of cards. When Cathy came back she was horrified to see Polly feasting on those chunks gleefully. She put her hand down into Polly’s throat and recovered a single piece of magnet. Polly seemed fine that day. But the following day she started throwing up chunks of magnet and also looked quite ill. This frightened Cathy who thought there might be several pieces lodged inside. Soon she rushed Polly to Sunbury Animal Hospital where Dr Glen Hastie conducted X-rays of her stomach. The doctor too was astounded to see multiple chunks of magnet clogging her stomach. He immediately decided to operate her.
Although the operation has been successful and Cathy is doing fine a terrible fear lunges at Cathy’s heart. It’s the fear of losing Polly forever.
Picture Courtesy- Herald Sun
Pluto – 1 year old male Hound Cross
2 days ago
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