Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ABC’s of dog training...

The saying goes that dog is man's best friend. The authenticity of the statement cannot be over estimated. However, it is our human nature that we try to groom everything and everyone the way we want them to be, the way we feel is comfortable to us. It holds for everything around us including our pets.

You certainly love your dog, but can't let it behave in imprudent ways. For that, you really need to train your dog, groom him properly with etiquettes and make him so much so well behaved that you are not subject to social situations that could be embarrassing.

In order to groom your dog properly, you really need t take care of some essentials. First and foremost, it is absolutely essential to build a relationship with your dog. This is really important as your dog should understand what you communicate and respect you enough to follow your instructions. The relationship should be based on mutual trust and respect. He should have enough confidence and trust that what you suggest is for his benefit.

It is important to completely eradicate the old school of dog training that combined harsh techniques like beating and whipping your dog to train him. This makes him more stubborn and after some point he just refuses to take your orders. Make sure you provide your dog ample opportunity to socialize. Once he mingles with other dogs he gets to learn manners and imitates them. This proves healthy in the long run and your dog gets adequately trained with social culture and norms.