Yesterday, while surfing I found this so very cool website that I assure you, you will be glued to it for a few hours at least.

Dog treats, products, accessories and advices to maintain optimum dog health. Dog related guidelines and details for dog lovers across globe.
Yesterday, while surfing I found this so very cool website that I assure you, you will be glued to it for a few hours at least.
Posted by doglover at 6/29/2009 0 comments
Labels: dog lovers, first dog
Here's a quick link if you are trying to get green products for your pets.
Posted by doglover at 6/23/2009 0 comments
When I was a kid, rather a toddler I remember a jet black dog that we had at our grand- parents and we called him "POP".
That was my first.
Every summer that I spent with my grand parents, I would spend time with him, play around and cuddle.
Months later when I visited again, POP wasn't there. He had died. I never forgot that moment- it was hard and very painful. I don't know how and why.
But I always remembered him, I still see my mom going misty eyed when talking about POP.
I don't have his picture or I would have put it up here. Miss you POP.
Posted by doglover at 6/22/2009 0 comments
Have you licensed your dog? Here's how this can benefit you dear owner says New York Law:
Posted by doglover at 6/18/2009 0 comments
Labels: dog lovers, first time dog owners, licensing
I just read something mind blowing and thought this is something everyone should know.
Did you know that laundry products can actually be toxic for our pets? I didn't.
Here is a great article that will change a lot of things.
Posted by doglover at 6/17/2009 0 comments
Labels: dog lovers, health, toxic products
Posted by doglover at 6/09/2009 0 comments
Labels: adoption, first time dog owners
Posted by doglover at 6/09/2009 0 comments
Labels: dog lovers